Friday, August 19, 2016

A precedent for the Trumpster

For those conservatives in the #NeverTrump camp, who are worried about that Trump lacks the leadership and/or rhetorical skills and dislike his lack of experience let me offer some level of precedent for a candidate like Trump.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura were both political neophytes who also carried reputations for "girlie man" type of rhetorical skills. Both were considered renegades, one worked in professional wrastlin' for crying out loud.

But both ended up being somewhat milquetoast governors.

The point being that Trump isn't going to be asking for the nuclear football when Angel Merkel insults him and will find himself being "presidential" whether he wants to be or not.

Keep it in mind.

Do the rich pay enough?

As a tax professional, I’m often asked by clients whether or not I believe the rich pay enough in taxes.

My response is to consider this…… Consider that the rich have never paid any taxes…. Never have, never will.

The only people who pay taxes on this globe are the people who have no one to pass the cost on to.

When the price of my tax software goes up I have three choices, make less money, cut other expenses to make up the difference or raise my prices. Now I’m damn sure not going to take lower pay for the same work. You can only cut other expenses so far. That leaves increasing my fees for service.

When I increase my fees, my clients have the same dilemma. More often than not they will increase their prices.

That process continues until the last guy on the food chain tries to pass the hot potato to the next guy and guess what? There is no one else. They get to eat it.

Increases in taxes on the rich are no different than increases in utility costs, rent, widgets, etc.

Last year, I did tax returns for four clients who had W-2 wages in excess of one million dollars. In two of those cases, the CEO’s and CFO’s had their compensation adjusted by their corporate boards so that recent tax increases wouldn’t dent their take home pay.

You know who loses? The American worker who’s wages are now squeezed or jobs shipped overseas to afford the increases to those in management.

And if you think there is policy or another way to stop that, you are desperately naive to the point that you probably think there's a cure for gravity.

Consider that.

Who will he vote for?

Meet Michael Henson.

Why is Mike in the news...............
A Dayton, Ohio, man was arrested Tuesday after he tried to have sex with a parked van, police said.
Michael Henson, 35, faces public indecency charges. Police said they believe he was under the influence of narcotics when he was arrested.
According to a Dayton police report, the incident happened around 8 p.m. Tuesday in the 700 block of St. Nicholas Street.
Witnesses told police that Henson, who was only wearing shorts and socks, pulled down his pants and began having sex with the front grill of a vehicle parked on the street.
One witness told police that the act went on for a short time, then Henson passed out in the yard, the police report states.

Now in November do you think Mike here is going to vote for the Trunpster or The Billary? Why?