Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Democratic Congressional leader Rahm Emanuel is bad for America. He honestly admits that he doesn't mind the situation in Iraq to worsen if it means gains for his party in 2008. This is disgraceful and Democrats should be embarrassed that this is the philosophy of their party's leadership. But I have a feeling they won't be.

"Rahm Emanuel's Democratic Party is so bereft of a sense of national responsibility that he apparently feels comfortable brazenly telling the Washington Post that his plans for his Democratic Party is to not even try to stop things from getting worse in Iraq -- so they can pick up the political pieces afterward. Mr. Emanuel is a "smart" politician. He thinks the more dire America's place in the world is in 2008, the more likely the voters are to vote Democratic. The more of our troops are left in more pieces the better for Rahm Emanuel's Democrats. "

Tony Blankley, Washinton Times: Vulture Politics

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