Friday, March 16, 2007

How the Right went Wrong

On Real Clear Politics, is a headline from Time Magazine... "How the Right Went Wrong". Given my boycott of Time/Warner anything, I won't read the article. However, I will comment on my own How the Right Went Wrong.

When thinking ideologically, you have two clear and distinct choices 1) you either believe that it's the state's role to rule to manage every problem or injustice around and can therefore use all it's citizen's resources to accomplish such or 2) you believe in individual liberties and the market place to manage such cares.

Unfortunately, too many people believe there is a gradation between the two and there really is not. Let me provide some back up information first.

Once the citizenry decides that it's OK to take another citizen's money for whatever benevolent purpose, they have employed moral relativism. For instance, state steals my money for someone's health care, well, why can't I steal another person's money for drugs when they were just going to use it for a new car? In my mind, my purpose is just as valid and real to me than the government's established moral code. And in reality it is. After all, who is this arbiter of what's supposed to be important for everyone.

I challenge anyone that reads this blog or any congressman in Washington to tell me what my biggest fears, my wants and desires, my familial concerns are and how they are going to address it through the state. Yet we expect politicians to do this for 300 million people?

You make your first dollar at a fast food job and what does the government say you need pay for first.

Gordon, the government doesn't tell you what to do with your money.

Of course they do, they tell you that you need to save for your retirement through the social security tax and your medical care at retirement regardless of whether your paycheck is enough to even pay for child support, student loans, or feeding yourself. First and foremost is your retirement.

What if you had an idea that you believed would make you the next Bill Gates and you were willing to forgo any social security to make that dream happen what does society tell you? Make sure you fund your retirement first! It's lunacy.

Now the Democratic party is essentially a variety of socialism. They make no bones about the fact they'll take your money and use it for the "benevolent" purposes of their choice.

Republicans on the other hand are "socialist light". They believe in taking less of your money because there are fewer benevolent purposes to care for. Unfortunately, Libertarians , like myself have no one to turn to so we end up having to party with the GOP, simply because they are closer ideologically than socialists.

As a result, the GOP ends up with politicians all over the political spectrum. From Steve Chabot, a budget hawk to Olympia Snowe, a socialist.

In the past few years, the media has portrayed GOP as becoming a party of power not of principle. But really, the party was never anything but a party of power. Only during the Reagan years did Reagan inspire a sense of principle into the party and Newt Gingrich kept the legacy alive through most of the 90's. It's what put the GOP into power for most of a decade.

Unfortunately power corrupts, especially when you have no guiding principle to adhere to. Why not take some more of the taxpayer's money and load up the highway bill with billions of dollars of pork? Let's go ahead and build that bridge to no where. We'll say " at least we're more fiscally responsible then Democrats and, by the way, did you know they believe in gay marriage".

The result is a pack of RINO's the likes of Bob Ney, Tom DeLay, Bob Taft, George Voinovich, Mike Dewine et al. It has libertarians, like myself, wondering why we ever supported this party in the first place.

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