Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just call him frat president

The Enquirer with a comprehensive, albeit two weeks late, article on the Marc Dann scandal.
During his 2007 inauguration, Dann pledged, "My staff and I will adopt and adhere to the highest possible ethical standards."

Then came text messages like this from one woman to another: " in a weird situation...iem w marc dan....drunnnnk."

The text message, others like it, and a string of allegations of sexual advances, threats and graphic talk by Anthony Gutierrez, Dann's general services chief, to two office employees have been part of the case that put Dann in a political bind. One of Gutierrez's accusers filed a criminal complaint against him Friday.

Another is that e-mails written by at least one of the women suggest that someone in the office of Dann, an advocate for open government, sought to keep the complaints hush-hush.

Dann's office also rejected a number of records requests about the case, a reversal of his position when he was a hard-charging Democratic state senator exposing corruption in the state's Republican power structure.

I need to party with these guys.

If this guy does anymore women, he'll be a democratic candidate for president.


Anonymous said...

You watch. There won't be any fallout. This type of behaviour is standard operating procedure for Dems. If this were a republican, you would hear calls from democrats for heads to roll. But importantly louder calls from republicans. Both parties have bad apples, but only one has ethics, priniples, and a sense of right and wrong. Look at Mike Allen, Cincinnati republican. Gone in a matter of days after an improper office relationship was exposed.

But Dann? I'm afraid you are right Gordon. He will stay in his current position, probably continuing on his quest to "clean up government". At least until he announces intention to run for senator or President. And then he has Teddy and Willy as role models.

gordon gekko said...

What I find the most ironic, the pols women are most apt to support, are the ones doing every woman around....

Maybe that's why they support them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...This type of behaviour is standard operating procedure for Dems. If this were a republican, you would hear calls from democrats for heads to roll.

If this was a Republican, the victim would be a man.

gordon gekko said...

But at least the republican would use the sanitizer in the men's room.

By the way, his victims would also be alive unlike Gary Condit's and Ted Kennedy's.