Monday, August 04, 2008

Are dems playing the racist card?

Ruth Ann Dailey has a nice analysis of the democrats being the ones who continually bring up race in this election.
We voters keep getting reminders that the Republicans are going to "play the race card." Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton regularly warned us of such nefarious GOP plans, often while helpfully providing an example of the ugly stereotypes or cultural references available for use.

And although Sen. Barack Obama's campaign chastised Mrs. Clinton last August for being obsessed "with what she calls the Republican attack machine," Mr. Obama himself has regularly invoked the soon-coming onslaught.

At a fund raiser in June, Mr. Obama predicted, "They're going to try to make you afraid of me: 'He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. ... Oh, and did I mention he's black?'"

Last week, Mr. Obama again warned of the GOP's impending insidious attack: "The only strategy they've got in this election is to try to scare you about me -- 'He doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills.'" All those presidents, of course, being white.

But Sen. John McCain, his allies and the Republican Party as a whole -- despite its disarray and beleaguered mood -- have acted in unity thus far in refusing to utter the words that the Democrats keep trying to shove into their mouths.

So what's going on here? Something pretty despicable, actually. By constantly (and hopefully) claiming the Republicans will play "the race card," the Democrats are playing "the racist card."

I know I received plenty of attacks as a racist for my criticisms of an unnamed democratic candidate for president.

Nevermind I've made those same criticisms against The Billary, John French Kerry, and John "Hair Club for Men" Edwards.

But apparently, me calling Obama an elitist is a racial shot. No, he just buys arugula at Whole Foods and he's a socialist. That's all I need to know.

Republicans better get used to the shots because they're going to come hot and heavy.

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