Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Honey, I love you

Notes from the convention from The Weekly Standard
4) With the convention half done, the Obama campaign is still desperately seeking a narrative. Have you noticed how every speaker has mentioned how much they love America? That’s new for the Democratic party. However touching these displays of patriotism have been, this is playing on McCain’s home turf. As the Republicans will probably remind America next week, John McCain has shown his love of country by actually serving it, Obama by talking about when it became politically convenient to do so.

Once again, the clue phone is ringing for democrats and they just don't want to pick up.

Imagine you say this to your lovely spouse... "Honey, I love you. Except for that mole on the back of your neck." or "Honey, you're the greatest, except for the annoying snort you do when you laugh." or maybe "Honey, I love you, but you know, I can't stand your male patterned baldness."

See most conservatives recognize that we live in the greatest country in the history of mankind. PERIOD. How do we know this? You need only look our net immigration numbers.Millions more people want to come here than leave.

But democrats seem hell bent on saying "we love America, but it will be so much better when we're like Europe."

That voter in Chillicothe Ohio understands the difference. Apparently, if you're from San Francisco, you don't.


Anonymous said...

Agreed, Obama has only ever displayed affection for the US just before he gives it a backhand across the face. He's like a serial wifebeater. "You make me do it. I'm sorry, I only do it because I love you". That and the fact that their desire for presidency is based on a love for a utopian country they want to turn the US into which doesn't yet exist, nor will it.


gordon gekko said...
