Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's a conservative?

In a piece on the NY Times columnist I had to chuckle at this one....
With William Kristol gone from the New York Times op-ed page, that leaves David Brooks -- a fan of talking philosophy with Obama -- as the lone conservative regularly on the page. Since September 2003, when Brooks joined the op-ed page, there has typically been another conservative or libertarian columnist at the Times, such as William Safire or John Tierney.

Who's calling David Brooks a conservative? George Voinovich?

I used to watch McNeil-Lehrer until I started to realize that their political analysis was supposed to be a conservative matched up with Mark Shields (who can only seem to work for a taxpayer subsidized entity).

Since I started watching the News Hour, here's the people lined up with Shield

David Gergen
Paul Gigot
David Brooks

Essentially two democrats and one conservative matched up with another democrat.

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