Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why I'm a libertarian

Yesterday, old Gordon found himself in a traffic jam. Instead of getting annoyed watching the ding dong next to me texting like no tomorrow, I started to think of the millions of cars operating in our country ever single minute of every single day.

The drivers of those cars come from millions of different places heading to millions of destinations all across the country.

The drivers may be poor or rich, black or white, male or female.

Imagine all the different reasons people get in their cars to get into this traffic every single day and then imagine putting together a government program that could possibly satisfy every want or need of all these drivers.

It would be the height of arrogance to believe that you could somehow do it.

I'm a libertarian because it would never dawn on me to believe that I could put together a health care for all these people. Some of whom would rather use their money for a hot dog cart downtown than buy insurance. Some of whom would rather spend money on a kid's drug rehab instead of health insurance. Some of whom would rather buy a dependable car rather than buy insurance. And all of whom would rather go to Vegas rather than pay for their neighbors' health insurance.

So how about it. Are you arrogant enough to believe that you can make all the people in all these cars need free? If you are, that would make you a liberal.

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