Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I Pledge!

Here's a good idea. How about teaching kids "The Pledge of Allegiance".

Your Little Red Book is in the mail.

This is down right spooky.


Anonymous said...

Yes. That's great. My conservative father was actually doing all this stuff already back in the 40's and 50's. The only difference was that he didn't have to be taught how to treat his fellow man from a slick hollywood video. He learned this from his father and I learned it from him. That's the difference between conservatives and libs. Conservatives live their values, libs just preach theirs to everyone else using high tech multimedia. Notice not a single one of them pledged to pay an extra 50% taxes, though they would not need the upcoming tax hikes to be passed in order to do so. Half this Hollywood crowd was probably puking their guts out on Sunset Boulevard 4 hours after making the video.

becbeq said...

I saw this earlier. The insidious thing is, the first 2/3rds aren't really objectionable. Corny maybe, no plastic bags wacky, but not horrible. Then you see the "I pledge to end slavery"? "I pledge to be of service to Barack (kiss) Obama (kiss)" and "We pledge to ***be a servant*** of our president" ?!?!? WTF!

becbeq said...

BTW Gordon, don't know if you've seen this. More indoctrination for the tykes. I have a call in to our superintendent to find out if our district is showing the address and following the "suggested activities" which include brainstorming "how can I help President Obama?".

gordon gekko said...

becbeq. I agree with your assessment. A president with a hint of humility wouldn't even think of putting this out. Those with no humility have no problem.

The whole Obama narcissism that has crept into the culture is what really makes this creepy.

I've been playing Cult of Personality a lot on my mp3.

It seems appropriate.