Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Refresher course

It's been a while, but after my last post, I feel the need to remind people why I became a born again conservative.

Below are maps from the Bush-Kerry and Bush-Gore elections which I believe really illustrate the Blue-Red Divide by county.

While there are some exceptions, here's what we can derive from the maps.

First, that the country is predominately red except for nearly every urban county in the country; the rural and suburban areas tend to be conservative, the urban centers blue.

Second, in nearly every one of these urban centers, here's what we know about them in comparison to "Redville"

1) They have shitty schools
2) They have more crime.
3) They have higher unemployment
4) They have higher taxes
5) They have bigger budget issues despite their higher taxes
6) Higher housing costs

But hey, you don't have to take my work for it. Just look at the number of people fleeing the urban centers like Detroit and Cleveland. Moses couldn't rally a larger exodus.

About twenty years ago, as a flaming liberal I finally had to ask the question. Why is it that every city is a shit hole while the outlying suburbs actually function?

And given that every city in this country is run by liberal democrats, I came to the conclusion that liberal policies just don't work; for anyone. When you add to the equation the transformation New York City has gone through with the leadership of just two politically moderate mayors, it just reinforces my treatise.

I don't know what liberals like Sidney Independent would consider better run but I'm thinking that if the quality of life is so damn good in the city, people would be moving there, not leaving; including myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The funniest part about the failures of socialistic/lefty politics is that their solution to their failures tends to be to double down on the policies that fail. "Our problem is that we just never had enough money." is their usual rant.

The socialist system is about to collapse in europe. How long will it take before their citizens conclude that it's not the particular implementation of socialism that has failed but socialism itself?

And will we learn from them or will we have to collapse first? Will we ask ourselves whether the greek pension and healthcare systems are so great now that they can't keep their basic promises? They are bascally asking many of their citizens, many close to retirement, to work an extra 10-15 years. How depressing would that be? Thanks socialism. Thanks for nothing.