Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who are the democratic voters?

Finally! Someone who's picking up on my "everything run by democrats is crap" meme.....
I have come to the opinion it is difficult to understand the thinking of those who consistently vote for democrats.

There was a time when one could find elected democrats in both the House and Senate who were quite conservative, but those days seem to be in the past. I cannot think of a single democratic senator who could be classified as a conservative. In the House, there are several democrats who campaign as conservatives; but when their vote is needed, Speaker Pelosi can depend on them.

Nearly every major city is controlled by democrats and just as many are in deep trouble with poverty, education, and crime. The working population leaves, and the majority that remains demands more and more from fewer and fewer taxpayers. Most of the Northeast is a good example. Those who are able to escape do so. They flee from ever-increasing taxes and restrictions, with most of them moving south or southwest: It is not because of warmer weather. California is another example with fleeing citizens.

When one talks to a Democratic voter and asks why he or she votes that way, the answer is usually that he thinks the Democrats are for the working folks and that republicans are for the rich. There may have been a time when that was true, but even then I doubt it. How many democratic administrations have lowered federal income taxes to make it easier on the little guy? The only one that I am aware of is John F. Kennedy and that was in the early '60s. We are now facing the largest tax increase in our history starting Jan. 1, 2011, unless the current administration extends the Bush tax cuts.


Next CBS! I won't hold my breath.

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