Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's all right to be on the take.... as long as you're liberal

One of the things that I find fascinating about liberals is how they are so easy to ignore or explain away scandal all in the name of the cause.

Here's such a person...........
You've probably heard of Solyndra by now, right? It's the solar power company that got $500 million in Recovery Act loans from the Department of Energy and then went belly up a couple of weeks ago.

Conservatives have been trying to paint this as a big scandal of some kind, despite the fact that: the company had plenty of private investors too; it's the only DOE loan that has failed so far; and there's no real evidence that anyone in the White House did anything worse than push OMB to speed up their decision-making process a bit in 2009. Stephen Lacey has the full timeline here.

So this guy has no problem if the investigation of Solyndra turns into a quid pro quo for taxpayer dollars it's all about how to minimize the coming scandal....


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