Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tea Partier Attacks Media

What's most hilarious about this is that the union isn't going after a company hiring a legion of scabs but they hired from a rival union.

Go figure.


Anonymous said...

That dude (what was his name? Cxxx Sucker, Muther Fxxxx or something like that) is probably going to be the last union worker in America. Unfortunately, we won't be able to turn off the lights, he will need a member of the International Electrical Brotherhood Association. Seriously, that some great union PR there. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

good god will somebody please beat the s*** out of one of these people? just once I'd like to see foul-mouthed entitlement trash like Mr. mf get his.

seriously, turning the other cheek to excrement like this is not effective.
