Monday, January 02, 2012

Welcome to Obamaville

Yesterday, I went to a pizza shop to get my monthly pizza cheat on and I ran across this sign at the fish market next to the pizza joint.

Seriously, the local fish market accepts EBT cards. I guess if you are a liberal, you probably think I'm a cold harded SOB trying to deny poor people their daily salmon. But I don't shop at this place because it's way over priced and their selection isn't much better than your local Kroger's store.

Besides, if you have the capability to head out to your local fish market (by the way, the local butcher is right next door and they accept the EBT as well) for over priced tuna or crab, you're not f$%king poor enough to need an EBT card.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know of this seafood shop. You are correct, the selection is minimal,and the prices are sky high. I will just go to Kroger or Jungle Jim's.
It is shocking that food stamp recepiants are able purchase King Crab on the taxpayers' dime. How do I get a gig like that?