Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blue city exodus

It's not just white flight depleting our once great cities of residents..........

The number of black people living in major cities is declining as a growing number are choosing to move to the suburbs or warmer parts of the country.

2010 Census data released so far this year show that 20 of the 25 cities that have at least 250,000 people and a 20 per cent black population either lost more black people or gained fewer in the past decade than during the 1990s.

According to USA Today, the decline happened in some traditional black strongholds such as Chicago, Oakland, Atlanta, Cleveland and St Louis.

Let's face it if you want to live in a place with high taxes, high crime, shitty schools and business communities, the city if the place to be.

Maybe these blacks that decided to leave didn't want that for their families.


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