Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Union leaders killing their rank and file

Doug Ross notes how union leaders are more than willing to sell out their members for political power..........

Did you know that your very own union bosses are working against you? Did you know that nearly every union official is out to make him or herself wealthier and more powerful -- at your expense? And did you know that this is easy to prove, if you can just assemble the puzzle pieces?

Please consider:

Mine workers -- According to a study by the United Mine Workers of America, a new EPA rule cracking down on "airborne toxins" could cost 250,000 workers their jobs.

Steel workers -- The United Steelworkers wrote last August that the EPA's new environmental regulations would cost "tens of thousands" of union members their jobs.

Farm workers -- Legendary unions like the United Farm Workers are threatened by oppressive EPA regulations ranging from oversight of spilled milk to dust kicked up by farm equipment. By making farming more expensive with onerous regulations, fewer dollars can be spent on workers' salaries and benefits. Layoffs of union members will be the inevitable result.

Labor -- For at least a dozen years, certain powerful union bosses have advocated open borders policies. In 2000, the AFL-CIO's bosses have "called for blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants."

Don't forget how those jobs in the gulf are largely good paying union jobs. What about the potential for good union jobs in ANWAR?

Consider that every time the EPA, DOL or any other government bureaucracy kicks out a new regulation, it just incentives another American business to relocate outside of the country.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember how the left always takes the convenient position that they support the troops but not the war? Well I support union members, but not the strike!