Friday, February 10, 2012

It's the Hill they'll die on

Are you kidding me?

Apparently, some Catholic Democrats are "surprised" the Obamunists insistence that Catholic institutions fund abortions for their employees........

Without former Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, President Barack Obama wouldn’t have gotten his health care overhaul in 2010 passed through Congress.

But Stupak, a pro-life Catholic who voted for the health care reform after being promised that federal dollars wouldn’t fund abortions, now isn’t happy with Obama.

Appearing Wednesday night on Fox News, Stupak made clear he opposes the Obama administration’s insistence that religious-affiliated organizations are not exempted from the law’s requirement that health insurance plans cover contraceptives.


Abortion is the holy cross where liberals worship. If you doubt me read through the "seven hills liberals will die on" posts in this blog.

Abortion ranks a big ole numero uno.

How stupid can you be?

Read more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a catholic, it does amaze me how naive the church is when it comes to politics. The church has made a huge point of endorsing the democrat party for decades. Why? Simply because the church is in lockstep with the democrats on wealth redistribution.

All the while, the democrat party publicly pronounces utter distain for everything the Catholic church stands for. They even hate catholic charities that redistribute wealth that the democrats would like to confiscate and take credit for redistributing themselves.

In some ways the Catholic church is the battered wife and the democrat husband is the wife beater. She has two black eyes, some missing teeth, and a bloody nose, yet she just can't leave him. She knows he can change.

Back in 2010, when the democrats were hammering Obamacare down the throats of the general public, they were touting support by a group called "Catholic Alliance for the Common Good" in a cynical attempt to slap the Catholic brand onto their pro-abortion bill. They got their Catholic "support" for the three days they needed it, and ever since then they have been bitch slapping the church daily. When will they ever learn?