Monday, November 13, 2006

Democrats: Enemies of the middle class

It amazes me how well the liberal Democrats (and their cronies in the press) have done marketing themselves. Or, maybe the real problem is that the Republicans have done such a poor job explaining themselves.

Take for instance a short conversation a co-worker and I had this morning. The topic of high taxes came up and I mentioned that now that the Democrats are running Congress, taxes could very well go back up. To which my co-worker explained, "No way! The Democrats care about the middle and lower class. All the Republicans care about are the rich." (Is this not the most overused cliche in the Democrat's sound-bite arsenal?)

Now think about this: If the Bush tax cuts "for the rich" are allowed to expire, as Chucky Rangel and the House Democrats are suggesting, do you think it will benefit the middle-class and those with lower incomes?

If the child tax credit is reduced from the current $1,000 per child back to $500, do you think it will help or hurt the middle and lower class?

If the marriage penalty, which was reduced, kicks back up, do you think it will help or hurt the middle and lower class?

If the expansion of charitable deduction for Americans that don't itemize is reduced, do you think it will help or hurt the middle and lower class?

If the lower tax rates go back up to the pre-taxcut rates (15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6), do you think it will help or hurt the middle and lower class?

Now don't get me wrong... I think high taxes on the "evil" upper class is just as stupid and morally misguided, but that's another post. If the Democrats let the tax cuts expire, it will speak volumes towards what they really think of the "working class".

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