The president—who has faced criticism for being too downbeat in his rhetoric—followed up that glum imagery with vows that the tough times will eventually pass, leading America to “a better day.”
“If we act swiftly and boldly and responsibly, the United States of America will emerge stronger and more prosperous than it was before,” Obama said. “ With every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper—to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis. That is what we can and must do today.”
Are you kidding me?
We have created a culture where the people's response to drowning is to climb on the roof of their house and wait for a government helicopter.
We've created a culture where, if you work your ass off, you are derided like some sort of leper. Yet, if you are a total jerk off, the state will bail you out of your screw ups and, of course, it's that rich guy's fault you are a douche bag..
No one's looking for opportunity, they're all standing around with their mouths open waiting for the great government tit to suckle.
Perhaps The Messiah and the Obamunists would care to read my post on The Pygmalion Effect.