Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Little people

Has anyone else noticed the latest trend in TV commercials? Seems like more and more commercials, especially the holiday type (for obvious reasons) have little people (i.e. midgets, dwarfs) in them. Not pretend people that look like elves or Santa's little helpers, but real humans... little people. They're showing up all over the place: Verizon, Home Depot, Burger King, et al... Maybe I've just not paid attention in previous years. But it seems to be all the rage to have little people in your commercials these days.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the "little person" union is doing product placement with the commercial.

Seriously, I think I've noticed more even on regular TV. Denny Crane had an affair with one on Boston Legal.

midas mulligan said...

I was thinking the same thing... maybe they signed a new collective bargaining agreement or something like that.