Thursday, December 28, 2006

Who are you?

Information lose and identity theft are becoming bigger and bigger problems as more information about ourselves is floating around in cyberspace. Identity theft insurance is now available and will likely become as common as home owner's insurance in the coming years. It's estimated that nearly a third of all Americans has had their personal info or identity compromised in the last year.

Here's a list of some of the most recent large information lose disasters:

Boeing: Stolen laptop containing employee HR records - 382,000 records

Aetna: Customer data stolen - 130,000 records

UCLA: Database compromised containing student and faculty information - 800,000 records

Starbucks: Lost multiple laptops containing employee HR records - 60,000 records

GE: Stolen laptop containing employee and HR records - 51,000 records

Circuit City : Lost tapes containing customer credit card records - over 2.1 million records

US DOT: Laptop containing license records stolen - 132,000 records

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