Saturday, February 03, 2007

Socialized medicine

I had a copy of the US Constitution out the other day ( I actually keep a copy in my car if you ever want to challenge me ) and it's funny... I never saw an article in there saying that US citizens had a right to "health care".

There's freedom of speech, right to bear arms, the right to not self incriminate, right to assemble, the right not to be exposed to double jeopardy but I cannot find that right to health care anywhere in the text. The Founding Fathers appeared to be pretty thorough after all, you cannot be convicted of a ex-post facto law.

But maybe they were not that smart. In my mind, here's a list of the most important things people need for survival


So before we socialize medicine shouldn't we make sure everyone has these things first. Why should we pay for water (usually sold by the government no less) when it's an essential element of life. You know why the government doesn't provide it for free? Because they know we'll pay for it and we'll pay for it before beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, etc. and if we don't, they'll be out in our front yard to turn it off.

Next to global warming, the right to health care is the biggest joke around. The reason most people are not insured? Because they don't see it as an essential cost to live. I know from my own personal experience, when financial times got tough, the health insurance was one of the first things to go. You know what didn't go? Beer. I could have paid for my health insurance out of my monthly beer consumption but I saw beer as a larger need for myself than health care.

So before you go socializing health care, make sure that every man woman and child has their beer consumption covered.

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