Saturday, March 24, 2007

Narcissism Presidential Style

Is it just me or does it feel like every single person running for president is trying to fulfill some type of personal life time achievement award?

Democrats Clinton, Obama, Edwards and Republicans McCain and Romney all seem to be running as if this is their big chance to win American Idol - the Political Version. Every one of these guys should make their public appearance with the song "I Wanna be a Rock Star" blasting in the background.

My guess is every one of these people were big time geeks in school and this election is their geeky way 0f sticking their tongue out at the bullies who stole their lunch money in prep school.

I think from now on, the person who gets my vote for president will be the person I believe least wants the job.

In that vain, I don't get the sense that Guiliani is running as some sort of life resume achievement. Maybe it's because I think if he were running the presidential calculation machine, he wouldn't have come up with all the goofy issues surrounding his marriage(s) and other personal relationships. He would simply have pulled a Clinton; "stand by your man b.s.".

Maybe someone out there can set me straight.

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