Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Follow up

This is in follow up to my post last week about presidential narcissism and Midas's post on the Mark Mallory's pitch.

Mallory is clearly a geek and politics are his way to get back at the guys who gave him big "nuggies" or "wedgies" right before they took his lunch money.

In that post I said I wanted to pick the candidate who least wanted the job. Now, I just want someone who has a life outside politics; like maybe someone who can throw a baseball with their kid(s).

So let's evaluate the athletic prowess of the following candidates


Hilary Clinton - Apparently good at throwing lamps at Bill
John Edwards - Looks like he can do anything athletically that doesn't mess up his hair which really means nothing.
Barack Obama - did I spell his name right?


John McCain - Former golden gloves boxer
Rudy Guiliani - I've seen him throw a ball before... almost as good as Bush.
Mitt Romney - Who?

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