Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Richard Cohen, racist

Wow, I didn't know Richard Cohen was a racist until I read this column criticizing our first black president.......

Sooner or later it is going to occur to Barack Obama that he is the president of the United States. As of yet, though, he does not act that way, appearing promiscuously on television and granting interviews like the presidential candidate he no longer is. The election has been held, but the campaign goes on and on. The candidate has yet to become commander in chief.

Take last week's G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh. There, the candidate-in-full commandeered the television networks and the leaders of Britain and France to give the Iranians a dramatic warning. Yet another of their secret nuclear facilities had been revealed and Obama, as anyone could see, was determined to do something about it -- just don't ask what.


Obama lost credibility with his deadline-that-never-was and now he threatens to lose some more with his posturing toward Iran. He has gotten into a demeaning dialogue with Ahmadinejad, an accomplished liar. (The next day, the Iranian used a news conference to counter Obama and, days later, Iran tested some intermediate-range missiles.) Obama is our version of a Supreme Leader, not given to making idle threats, setting idle deadlines, reversing course on momentous issues, creating a TV crisis where none existed or, unbelievably, pitching Chicago for the 2016 Olympics. Obama's the president. Time he understood that.

We need more


Anonymous said...

i disagree, i don not see anywhere in this column where Richard Cohen is making racist remarks. He is simply stating his opinions about the new president. Just because Obama is black does not mean that is why he is being criticized. if a white president was acting this way i would probably make the same comments. is it racist to white people when Bush is criticized?

gordon gekko said...

I think you are wrong. As Jimmy Carter, Maureen Down, Bill Clinton, et al have all pointed out, the only people to criticize Obama are racist.

Cohen criticized Obama er go he's a racist.

jay said...

Richard Cohen never made any racial remarks in this, but he has already used racial slurs in some of his writings so i believe he is, it just isn't shown in this.

gordon gekko said...


I think you missed the context here.

I posted this when everyone or anyone who criticized the president was considered a racist for doing so.

As a result, I decided to out everyone and anyone as a racist.... even those who voted for the president.