Friday, March 18, 2011

Tax the rich

I'm finishing up my Friday by completing a tax return for a client who made $671,000 last year.

Now $671k is a lot of money. I think that probably qualifies you as rich. If you are of the persuasion to believe that the rich don't pay enough tax, I challenge share with all of us what "fair" would be for this family.

I've thrown this out in the past but you'll notice that I never divulge what the taxpayer actually pays. I do that for a couple of reasons

1) I think it's more important to give thought to the subject rather than just throw out another opinion

2) I'm waiting for someone to actually address the issue in my comment section so we can have a great debate on the subject. When someone gives me a well thought out opinion on the subject, I'll divulge the amount.

I would be willing to bet that Jan Schakowsky, who wants to raise taxes on the top 1% of wage earners, actually has no idea what rich people (including herself) pay in taxes. I'm actually surprised that no media member has actually challenged Anthony Weiner or any of the other liberal demagogues to specifically state, in whole dollar amount what the "fair" amount of tax people should pay.

So throw it out there Mr./Ms. "Progressive". Tell us all how much is fair? If you've got the guts..... or the intelligence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe his income tax should be 0%. We should have a consumption tax instead. Someone who produces a lot and consumes a little should pay less than someone who produces little and consumes a lot. I guarantee your client pays ten times the taxes of Paris Hilton even though she consumes ten times more than he does.

Still don't quite understand why people who take on the responsibility of carrying payrolls are public enemy number 1 to liberals.