Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A product of the welfare state

As I was trying to get out of town last week, I really never got a chance to comment on the London riots and the various flash mobs popping up in nearly every liberal sanctuary city across this country.

None the less, I was struck by this photo of a "poor", "downtrodden", "underclass" mark on society who is frustrated by his lack of opportunity in England all the while wearing a pretty damn nice adidas warm up suit.

This punk is every bit the protoplasmic by product of the welfare state.

What? is he frustrated by his lack of a Nike Swoosh on his stylish threads?

This is what we've devolved to when we simply give people something for just existing. A nice warmup suit so you can toss your moltave cocktail at "the man" who bought your warm up suit for you.

Here is a must read that describes it perfectly........
Over the past week we have witnessed the culmination of the liberal experiment. The experiment attested that two parents don’t matter; that welfare, rather than work, cures poverty; you tolerate “minor crime”; you turn a blind eye to celebrity drug use; you allow children to leave school without worthwhile skills; you say there’s no difference between right and wrong. Well now we’ve seen the results.

The modern Labour Party’s answer to every social question is to open the taxpayers’ cheque books. We’ve tested that world view to the point of destruction. The welfare state has never been bigger but nor have our social problems. Today’s historically high tax burden has forced parents to spend more and more hours outside the home, just to make ends meet.

The Left is always ready to attack hyper-capitalism for the ways in which it can erode community bonds, but it looks the other way when it comes to thinking about the ways in which the hyper-state can devour social capital. Labour has become the most materialist and consumerist of Britain’s two largest parties. Whereas Big Society Conservatives are immersed in the importance of relationship-building, within families and within communities, it is the Left that constantly emphasises the right to personal fulfilment.

It reveres “lifestyle choices” as though the kind of home in which a child is raised is somehow equivalent to whether you get your weekly groceries from Morrisons or Asda. Any political movement that is relaxed about the structure of the family will produce the amoral youths that rioted last week.

Weeks ago, the Lovely Mrs. Gekko asked one of my friends why he was conservative and his response was classic. (Paraphrasing) Basically, I've just looked back on history and noticed that every liberal policy introduced in our society either didn't work or was counterproductive.

This punk is evidence of the latter.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why when liberals make their case and bring out graphs and pictures, they are future projections. Conservatives always show graphs of historical results.

In early 2009 the libs trotted out that pretty picture of falling unemployment that the stimulus would bring in late 2009. In 2010 the libs stopped showing 2009, but conservatives started showing it because actual results always work against liberalism.