Saturday, March 31, 2012

What's fair?

Yesterday, I did a return for a client who had a W-2 for $996k in wages.

If you are a person who believes that the rich don't pay enough in taxes, please tell me what this douche bag should pay in taxes on this income.

I've thrown this out before but I'm also interested in a related question. Let's face it. If you believe that the rich don't pay enough you probably have some attitude towards what this asshole earned in the first place.

So tell me how much should he earn for his job in the first place?

I won't bother you with the details of his background, education and such because, frankly I don't know that much about his background. So I'll always assume that his income is a result of a willing employer offering and a willing employee accepting the deal.

But you won't need to know those details either because your sense of "fairness" exceeds your understanding of his employment relationship in the first place just like your sense of fairness on his tax liability exceeds our democratically produced tax code.

So tell me what this scourge on society should pay?

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