What do you do when you have a neighborhood infested with vermin and you witness a murder? You can pretend you never saw anything or you can report individual criminals to the police.
Well gee Gordon, Of course you would call the police. Would, you if you knew that the thug was going to get back out on bail in a few hours and he knows you are one of the witnesses to the crime?
How do you fix the crime problem?
Now if your name is David Kennedy (photo) and you're looking to scam $100k from a city you come up with this brilliant plan where you simply walk up to criminals and tell them if they keep killing people, they're looking for problems.
If you're Gordon you do this, you arrest, prosecute and sentence thugs to a point where they can never victimize a neighborhood again.
Once residents of a neighborhood are convinced they can turn in a punk and will never have to deal with that punk again, residents will ultimately self police themselves and businesses might actually locate to that neighborhood. Businesses above and beyond check cashing operations encased in bars on the windows.
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