Monday, January 15, 2007

Social Security Debacle

I would gladly give up every dime I've "donated" to Social Security if the government said I could invest it all myself from here on out. Obviously, I don't see that happening anytime soon. If a Republican president with a Republican Congress couldn't get a single change done, I doubt we'll see any major improvements anytime soon.

Mike Pence (a future presidential candidate, IMO) has a great commentary today about how the Bush Administration blew the entire social security debate last year.

"...Social Security reform must be properly understood. It is not about achieving solvency; it is about improving the system so that it offers a better deal for younger Americans through personal savings accounts. Focusing on solvency will lead inevitably to tax increases and benefit cuts. Focusing on personal retirement accounts improves the chance of enacting sound public policy that also makes the system solvent." Bush is still getting Social Security wrong.

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