Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Global warming?

Whenever we have a mild winter, talk inevitable turns to global warming. Of course most people forget the extremely cold October the mid-west had, but this winter is no exception. What I don’t understand is why we don’t see record high temperatures being consistently broken. Wouldn’t you think that if the average daily highs are increasing every year, due to the earth warming, you would begin to consistently see new record highs being set? But just a couple days ago I noticed in the paper that the record high for that day in Cincinnati dated back to 1885? If global warming is really taking place, shouldn’t we see more recent records highs being broken every year?

Maybe it's Bush's fault or my logic is way off base or some meteorologist geek (like this one) can meet me for a drink and clear things up for me. I have a feeling people living in Colorado and the Plains are hoping for a little global warming themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

two questions

1) What has mankind done to cause the global warming occuring right now for Mars?

2) If there was never global warming prior to man how did the Glaciers in the Great Lakes area recede? Must have been some giant blow dryers.

I'm thinking that if we keep kicking out co2, hopefully by 2008 Hilary won't be able to get 80+ electoral votes from NY and CA since they'll be under water.