Monday, July 23, 2007

Liberals are soooo smart II

It appears that there may be some future controversy surrounding the author of various "diaries" printed by The New Republic related to the author's Iraq war experiences.

I have no idea whether or not the diaries are legitimate but just on their face, the stories seem odd.

For instance, the writer talks about how they like to drive over dogs and drive their Bradleys into concrete barriers.

Read more here and here.

It occurs to me that these news frauds are almost always perpetrated by liberal news services. The New Republic with Stephen Glass, Jason Blair at the NY Times and Dan Rather at CBS News.

Is it because they're so susceptible to their template of reality (that life's about rich hurting poor, whites hurting blacks, etc) that they are likely to not do a good job fact checking.

I'll wait for the fall out of this one, but let's chalk up another to the "fake but true" main stream media.

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