Friday, August 24, 2007


How can this happen?

How busy, stressed, air-headed, overworked, dim-witted or scatterbrained must a person be to forget their child and leave them in a parked car, regardless of the outdoor temperature? I left my wallet in the car by mistake, I've left groceries in the car, I've even left my keys in it once... but I can't imagine ever being so preoccupied with something else that I would leave my child. They should lock Brenda up for just being stupid, if nothing else.

A 2-year-old girl was found dead Thursday afternoon inside her mother's car parked outside Glen Este Middle School.

Thursday's temperature hit a record 100 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. School officials declined to comment on why the girl, Cecilia Slaby, might have been left in her mother's Mercedes.

Her mother, Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby, is the school's assistant principal.
Union Township police said the girl was strapped in a car seat in the rear of the vehicle for several hours before she was noticed.


Anonymous said...

And this woman is responsible for our children?
Another case in point for our fine public school system......

Anonymous said...

and worse yet, the authorities have not decided if they are going to press charges?? sheese....could it be the Mercedes?? what about child endangerment?? involuntary manslaughter? I bet if it had been a 1995 Ford exporer there would be no doubt of the charges.