Sunday, December 07, 2008

Billary at State

Dick Morris:

"By way of his appointment of Hillary, President-elect Obama has set the stage for a civil war within his administration. The rivalry between the State Department and the National Security Council has always been sharp.

NSC adviser Henry Kissinger dueled with Secretary of State Bill Rogers. NSC adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski battled Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.

The Bush administration was animated by the rivalry between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon. The conflicts between these two powerful poles in the foreign policy universe have been epic. But now the push-pull between the White House and the State Department is likely to become particularly inflamed.

As long as Obama is riding high, everything will be fine. But should his ratings falter, can anyone doubt that it will be Hillary Clinton to whom worried Democrats will turn in 2012?"


1 comment:

gordon gekko said...

Brought to you by the same ball gag wearing bozo who predicted a Billary - Condi Rice run off.