Saturday, February 28, 2009

Battle of victims

In what should be a surprise to no one, the democratic party is a conglomeration of a series of perceived victim groups.

Workers victimized by owners
Blacks by whites
Woman by men
Old by young
Young by old
Polar bears by people

So if you see yourself as the perpetual victim in life, the democratic party is a home to you.

Except what happens when one victim group victimizes each other; who wins?

The WSJ on the fight in the democratic party.....
This is the Democratic Party's moment, its power now greater than any time since the mid-1960s. But do not expect smooth sailing. The party is a fractious group divided by competing interests, factions and constituencies that could explode into a civil war, especially when it comes to energy and the environment.

Broadly speaking, there is a long-standing conflict inside the Democratic Party between gentry liberals and populists. This division is not the same as in the 1960s, when the major conflicts revolved around culture and race as well as on foreign policy. Today the emerging fault-lines follow mostly regional, geographical and, most importantly, class differences.

Gentry liberals cluster largely in cities, wealthy suburbs and college towns. They include disproportionately those with graduate educations and people living on the coasts. Populists tend to be located more in middle- and working-class suburbs, the Great Plains and industrial Midwest. They include a wider spectrum of Americans, including many whose political views are somewhat changeable and less subject to ideological rigor.

So here's what you can expect in a battle between a northwestern union logger and a spotted owl.

That owl is going to win.

Between a union oil platform worker and a manatee.


Between a union oil driller in the arctic and a polar bear.

Sorry, bear wins.

Those upper west side quiche eaters didn't vote for Obama just because he likes arugula. They voted for him because he doesn't give a hoot about some gun clinging UAW hunter who's worried about NAFTA.



Joe C. said...

"The party is a fractious group divided by competing interests, factions and constituencies..."

Unfortunately, none of those interests is America.

gordon gekko said...


Where does that quote come from?

I like it.

Joe C. said...

The first one is cited from the WSJ in your post. The second line is my pithy response.

gordon gekko said...


Sorry,I was trying to highlight your point from the excerpt.

I ham handed it.