People are hurting, soldiers are dying in Iraq, the public is skittish about their retirement accounts and yet that George Bush has the audacity to go out in public and party it up; all while the stimulus bill he's been saying can't wait is sitting on his desk for a signature.
Uh, Gordon, George Bush is no longer president.
He's not? Surely he must be, no democrat would have the balls to flaunt his night out at one of the most exclusive restaurants in Chicago.
I think the lighting must be bad in this shot. That has to be George and Laura and they probably plan to use that doggie bag to feed the homeless.
More at the NY Post...
gimme a break
You're comparing apples to oranges
typical of your type
Please explain
Hey Anon 1, Anon 2 here. Go ahead and defend your man, Obama. But take my advice. You'd be better off developing a thick skin and not be so sensitive to criticism, beacause you are about to receive a lot of it over these next 4 years. And you'd be well-advised to read Animal Farm so you will at least have a clue about what your Neo-liberals are being criticised about.
The leftist/socialist philosphy is one that espouses egalitarianism (equality of outcome) as a first priority. Conservativism/capitalism is different in that it only strives for equal right to pursue a desired outcome. We base our view on 1000's of years of history, which shows that equality of outcome is a noble yet useless dream.
When socialists take power, they immediately start to break their own rules of equality in the name of pursuing their altruistic agenda.
Case in point: We are three weeks into the Obama administration and already he's using Airforce I as a carbon spewing billion dollar cab ride to impress his date. Dining on the finest luxury foods "while the other America is a paycheck away from the soup line". I'm sorry but does anyone see the irony here?
I don't begrudge The President for using the perks of power. He earned the right by getting elected. I want our President to show off a little. It's good for our president to project his power. In fact, conservative ideals would show this in a favorable light: someone enjoying the fruits of one's labor. Mr. Obama has apparently experienced the results of capitalistic pursuit of unequal outcome, and by all indications, he likes it--ALOT.
But I do begrudge his constituents who idly sit by and act like this is any different than any republican president or entreprenuer who also has pursued an improved personal outcome and succeeded.
I remember a non-partisan political science class I aced in college 29 years ago. It was there I came to the realization that power=money, and that there was virtually no difference between the two. I also realized that if government power were converted into dollars, the richest people on the planet would be those in government.
A socialist economy may have rules in place to force equality of measured financial outcome (equal pay, price controls, etc.). But in a socialist economy, a "shadow" capitalist system emerges to fill in the void of a real one.
In this "shadow" capitalist system wealth is not measured in dollars but in the fuzzy math of government positions, political favors, special privileges, black markets, barter systems, and selective corruption. Back in the old Soviet system, theoretically a Marxist utopia, all the best food, housing, and medical care went directly to communist party operatives; these people did nothing other than hold important positions in the party. The rest of the coutry stood in bread lines all day.
If you cannot see that the United States has just made a major shift in this direction, you are blind. If Obama had decided to stay in the White House and have a simple dinner with his family, instead of burning countless tons of fossil fuel on this extravigance I might start to think he believes in socialist ideals. I for one not surprised he is jet setting. But if you let yourself believe this is somehow different than the 43 presidents that preceded him (and the thousands of kings, presidents, czars, and millions of successful entreprenuers in history) think again.
You might be surprised someday to find youself freezing in the barnyard looking in the farmhouse window to find president Barak Obama and Rahm Emmanuel have turned into your hated George Bush and Karl Rove.
Seriously, read Animal Farm. It will help you understand that last statement.
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