Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ugly Rich Guys

Good news for Gordon...

Smart or thin? Rich or ugly?

Women still have a complex and contradictory relationship with their own image according to a poll released on Tuesday that found 25 percent of those questioned would rather win America's Next Top Model TV show than the Nobel Peace Prize.

And although 75 percent of women surveyed said they'd be willing to shave their heads to save the life of a stranger, more than a quarter of those taking part admitted they would make their best friend fat for life, if it meant they could be thin.

As for that age-old dilemma of whether to marry for wealth or looks, half of the 18- to 24-year-olds questioned said they would marry an ugly man if he were a multimillionaire.



gordon gekko said...

Out of curiosity, would I have to take an 18 year old to a Coldplay concert?

Anonymous said...

No matter how one wants to spin it, and no matter how "progressive" we think we are, we are still biological creatures. Guys tend to seek beauty and women tend to seek money.

I have met countless liberal women who have followed their biological preprogramming to marry rich chauvanist assholes.