Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Letterman on Palin

No words of outrage from Bitch magazine yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is a regular person who decided to turn politics upside down and succeeded. I understand why people don't agree with her views...there's something about smaller government and reaching for a higher moral standard that is like kryptonite to the left.

But what we are seeing with Lettermans of the world is nothing what I expected this long after the election. There is a pattern of bigoted, insensitive, rotten, dirty, sexists coming out in America. And folks, it is coming from the left. I've come to the conclusion that the left (including leftist rinos like McCain himself) is deathly afraid of Palin. Why? Because she is a powerful woman that owes the left nothing. It is this hatred of a poowerful woman that shows us how sexist the left really is.

I used to be the biggest Letterman fan. That was years ago. He has exposed himself as a bitter, slimey, classless son-of-a-bitch and did so years ago. There is nothing funny about a man who pulls this shit.

I think that the populace in this country is still on the Obama drunk. When they wake up hung over they will be horrified to learn that they just spent the night with what turned out to be the chauvanist left wing, putting a notch on their political bedpost.