Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The difference between health care and health coverage

I've pointed out before that there is a big difference between health care and health coverage. Just because you have coverage doesn't mean that actually get care. Just ask a Canadian.

Here's a piece that emphasizes this...
It's not a perfect system. There appear to be 3 tiers of coverage available to Americans today. Superb, for those who can afford treatment at any cost. Average to sub-optimal coverage for the vast majority of working class Americans, and poor-to-none for the uninsured. Yet, this should not be confused with access to health care.

Most people who walk into an ER are provided some level of health care, whether or not they can pay for services. In fact, a requirement of not-for-profit hospitals in order to maintain their favorable tax status, is that they must treat a number of patients for free, or at least far below their cost.

My neighbor, who posts a large sign in a front window that erroneously demands "Health Care Now" doesn't appreciate the significant difference between health care and health coverage -- like so many Americans currently caught up in the emotional fray. In fact, the health care providers currently provide access for everyone. It's not access that is in question.


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