Thursday, September 03, 2009

Proof Positive the Public Option Will Lead to Single Payer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dems say single payer will drive prices down. But the problem has always been not enough competition. Most state insurance markets are dominated by one or two major players and the government has enabled this.

This lack of competition allows the players to keep prices high. Now we want to fix this by replacing a minimal competition scenario with a no-competition scenario (single payer). What?! People need to realize that the government is basically a corporation in this scenario. Making Uncle Sam a single payer would be like making Anthem Blue Cross the only legal insurance provider. What would that do to prices, costs, service levels and innovation?

People...think it through and be honest with yourself.

If the government is involved in any way, it should simply be making regulations that no one insurance provider should have more than 20% market share. Having five or more playters would spur the competition that is needed. It might also be useful to regulate portability and things like that. But under no circumstances should any government be in the insurance business. Think about it. The current bill before congress is an insurance policy. Congress should not be writing insurance policies. That's ludicrous.