Monday, October 26, 2009

"Outrage" Documentary Outs Anti Gay Politicians Who Are Gay

The lovely Mrs Gekko and I watched this documentary last weekend.

What I find most interesting is how the people most inclined to chant "stay out of our bedrooms" are the first people to out someone's sexual behavior. Not only are these voyeuristic perverts more than interested in someone else's bedroom they're hell bent on making sure everyone else knows what goes on in others bedrooms.

Frankly, I don't know if Charlie Crist if gay or not and I don't care (although that would probably explain why he's such a snappy dresser). But then again, I'm just one of those Neanderthal conservatives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

back in the 70's the gay right's movement was all about leaving consenting adults to their own business. "Keep the government out of our bedroom!", was the rallying cry of the day. As a result, thankfully, the vast majority now accept gays on equal terms. Gays I work with are some of the nicest responsible people I know.

However, the militant wing of the gay movement has taken it a step further. Instead of keeping government out of the bedroom, they have done completely the opposite and are pushing the bedroom into government. This is invasiveness going in the other direction. This is what people object to.