Monday, October 19, 2009

"Non partisan" ACORN worked to elect Ohio democratic reps

From the Plain Dealer........

ACORN's detailed "Ohio 2007-08 Political Plan," targeting swing "congressional districts Aupon which the balance of power in Congress will rest," was ultimately scaled back. It appears the organization, which says it merely wants to empower disenfranchised people, decided not to mount voter campaigns that would have specifically helped Democrats Zack Space of Dover; Steve Driehaus of Cincinnati, and Mary Jo Kilroy of Columbus, all of whom won their congressional races anyway.

ACORN said in interviews with The Plain Dealer that its final efforts were generic -- tied not to a political party but to conducting "the largest nonpartisan voter registration drive in Ohio's history." It calls the new conspiracy theories ridiculous.

But to some, ACORN's early 13-page plan for the 2008 election reinforces what critics always assumed: The group's goal was never nonpartisan. The political plan and other ACORN documents show that the group was interested not just in helping presidential candidate Barack Obama, whom it urged its members to support, according to post-election Federal Election Commission reports. ACORN also was interested in Congress and the Ohio Statehouse.

As if we needed one more reason to vote out Driehaus, Kilroy and Space.

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