Friday, October 16, 2009

Rush gets ACORNed

Rush is a big boy so he certainly doesn't need my support as it relates to his trashed and libeled persona. But I have a few thoughts none the less.

1) This is a textbook ACORN scam; use lies and innuendo wrap them up in a tidy race box and you get what ever you want (like bogus voter registration drives, and relaxed home mortgage standards).

2) Rush should sue for libel against the bogus quotes people used against him. I'm certainly no libel attorney but I think he can prove that he suffered financial loss due to the use of bogus quotes attributed to him.

3) Nice to see that CNN has the ability to "fact check" an SNL skit but somehow doesn't have the staff to make sure Rick Sanchez doesn't smear someone's character.

4) Oh, Rick Sanchez, is now taking back those quotes..........on twitter. His tweet? i've know rush. in person,i like him. his rhetoric,however is inexcusably divisive. he's right tho. we didn't confirm quote. our bad. Nothing like trashing a guy's reputation for
"your bad".

5) The message is loud and clear from the NFL "we're OK with dog fighter's, drunken murderers, extortionist owners and Keith Olberdouche; conservatives need not apply".

That helps me free up my Sundays now.

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