Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X-mas Schaumburg

Thanks reader Bartman.......

As expected, Schaumburg trustees voted unanimously Tuesday night to impose the village's first property tax, adding about $252 to the tax bill for a home with an equalized assessed value of $50,000.

The vote left both residents and officials frustrated.

"I have no say-so in what you do with that money, I never did," said resident Joe Librizzi, one of eight residents from a crowd of 50 that spoke against the new tax.

Librizzi said the village's financial problems are, "just mismanagement of money," adding that officials were wrong to expect homeowners to bail them out.

"It's not fair -- it's not right," Librizzi said.

Officials counter that the prolonged recession has slashed the revenues the village has always relied on -- income and sales taxes -- at the same time costs for personnel, pensions and street repairs keep rising -- despite continuing cost-cutting efforts.

This is the thing that cracks me up about politicians, what does the average Joe do when their costs go up, like taxes? Who do they get to pass that cost on to; "despite continuing cost-cutting efforts"? But when it's a government, they just pass the costs right along.

By the way, if you think that a first time real estate tax is ridiculous. Just remember, that it matches up nicely with a sales tax that runs 12%, the highest in the nation.

Boy, I'm scratching my head wondering why revenue continues to drop.

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

I think we have crossed a threshold in our public fiscal model in this last decade. As a conservative, it pains me to lay most of the blame at the feet of Bush and the Republican congress.

They let spending get out of control for the 6 years that they had control of congress and the presidency. All to avoid the perception that they were mean spirited. And the democrats still portrayed them as such. And the media continued to paint them as such. And the gullible public swallowed it up as such.

In the end the public elected the "more compassionate" dems back in. The dems interpreted this as a madate for their ideas which include unlimited price tags. They took the spending excesses already in place and simply thrown out every last pretense that they care about fiscal oversight. There is zero concern about the unintended consequences of unchecked spending and taxation.

Our government is out of control. Too late for fiscal conservatives to stop this freight train. We have no choice now but to wait for this behemoth to fly off the rails into a twisted hunk of metal.

No one knows when/where it will crash. It's best to get out of the way and let events take their course. We will be there to listen to the millions of disallusioned libs crawling out of the wreckage as they reach their "AH HA" moment. When the light bulb comes on and they realize the horrible social experiment called socialism was nothing but a big party for a tiny bunch of social elites and an economic suicide mission for the poor of the world.

Anonymous said...

And Cutler just threw another interception.....