Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 234

I'll get into specifics tomorrow. But I want to recognize the birthday to the greatest nation in the history of humanity.


The Mad Bomber said...

"The greatest nation in the history of humanity"? Even if I didn't know you were an American . . . I would know you were an American.

"The greatest nation in the history of humanity" is clearly in its death throes - and contrary to what you and other social conservatives seem to think, it has nothing to do with your current left-winger president. America is suffering the inevitable results of imperial overstretch.

John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, or Bozo the Clown could be President . . . and America's fate would still be sealed. For generations, Americans have been unwilling to live within their means and mind their own business at home and abroad. America is reaping what she has sown - in the form of trade and budget deficits as far as the eye can see, and long-term economic decline. Perhaps you or I may not live to see it, but our great-grand-children will almost certainly be carrying yuans in their wallet rather than dollars.

Important for you to understand: I'm no liberal/left-winger, and I take no joy from writing the above. I'm a Jeffersonian libertarian who greatly admires America's constitutional government. Unlike the American political elite (not just Obama, but extending far into Republican ruling councils), I respect limited government and states rights. It is because American presidents and congresses over the past 150 years have pointedly not respected limited government and states rights that the United States is on its present course. It is because American presidents and congresses have arrogantly ignored basic precepts of economics and human behaviour that your fate is sealed.

Anonymous said...

Dear public eye, you are on the mark. I agree with everything but the last part about our faith being sealed.

I think it might take some time to see if we are going down the road to ruin. Hope lies in how long it will take us to realize that limited government is the answer. In some ways Obama's overreach may get us there faster. But if the answer to obama's falure is to solve it with even bigger government then, yes, we are screwed.