Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The press acts like the jilted girlfirend

I've always thought there was a certain irony of our national media being populated by lefties.

Afterall, when the commies take over the government, what's the first thing they do, well, after killing all their political opponents?

They take over the press.

So the world's smallest violin starts to play when the press gets upset for lack of access to The One.....
This whole thing about how the press loves President Obama? We would like to persuade you otherwise, but it's so hard to prove a negative. He disdains us, avoids us, acts like we are germy. Today he insulted the profession in front of his new bestie, the Australian prime minister!

The indignity!

So this is a recent turn for the prez, right?

Well here's something from last spring.........

You may recall that on Monday President Obama refused take any questions from the press (irony alert!) immediately after signing the "Press Freedom Act" in the Oval Office. The president, who hasn't held a prime time press conference since last July, said this was not a press conference and he would have something later in the week.

He was presumably referring to today's scheduled "Joint Press Conference" with Mexican President Calderon in the Rose Garden. But so-called "press conferences" with foreign leaders usually allow for only two questions from the White House press corps and two from foreign reporters.

In all fairness to King Obama, why should he take questions from a press who will ask the president a question the world's been waiting for. Will he intervene in the Charlie Sheen/CBS dispute?

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