Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Math - government style

So a firehouse in Michigan put in solar panels and it's paying big dividends...........
The solar powered system puts Rochester Fire in a class by itself. They're the only fire house in the state using solar power and it's working. About a third of the electricity they use every day is perfectly green.

"With the cloudy days, we actually still generate electricity," said Rochester Fire Chief John Cieslik.

"It generates enough power for the station and then excess, which they sell back," said Rochester Deputy City Manager Nick Banda.

Cieslik gets the credit for the earth friendly idea. When the mayor challenged the city to think green, he did. He got a $500,000 grant and a $200,000 state loan for the project. The fire house also gets energy credits from DTE.

The system is expected to save the city $150,000 in energy costs over the next 20 years.


In government accounting it's cheaper to spend $700,000 in order to save $150,000 over 20 YEARS!

No wonder we owe 14 TRILLION dollars.


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