Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hay is now a pollutant

Why not

In a news release last week, the Environmental Protection Agency labeled hay a pollutant, according to the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA). A non-profit organization representing thousands of U.S. cattle producers, R-CALF USA says the EPA’s outlandish affidavit could potentially require farmers and ranchers to store hay in pollution containment zones.

The issue culminated from an EPA compliance order charging Callicrate Feeding Company with a list of environmental violations.

So once again. We have a regulatuin that will no doubt increase the cost of meat.

Who does that impact the most

1) a family on public assistance
2) Chaz Bono
3) A network engineer at Apple
4) Anthony Weiner


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