Thursday, February 16, 2012

Clue phone for team Romney

When I do tax work for client's, one of the things I advise them is that your tax documents support a narrative about your life.

For instance, you can live in a $600,000 home if you make $9,000 a year. Where people get into trouble is when their tax documents do not match their particular narrative.

The same is true for politicians which is where I get to Romney. I'm throwing out the question for someone to please answer, what the hell is Romney for?

Now I get that most people who run for president have some warped personal resume they want to complete but generally they have some overriding issues that they want to accomplish once they're in office.

Romney has been running for president for over six years now and all I can derive is that he wants to be bigger, better, stronger than the idiot we already have in office.

That's not enough.

As a result, we have these few things that Romney has done which paints a picture of a guy who's only real principle in life is what is politically expedient at the moment. That's his narrative (see Romneycare). Clue phone to Romney, you're not going to win a Republican primary that way.

I'm only offering this advise because I truly think Romney is the only one left in the field who can beat Obama, but if his advisers can't offer him this one idea than he probably can't win either.

Republicans have been starving for over twenty years now for a guy who can articulate and lead the conservative movement and all we can seem to get from the establishment is a younger version of Bob Dole.

But don't take my word for it. Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working so well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is the answer. It's crystal clear what he stands for, but he also stands the best chance to beat Obama. He is the only candidate that can win the disenfranchised Democrat vote because of his views on personal freedom. I've already decided who I'm voting for this year and I think at least 1/3 of the country as has well: the "not Obama" on the ticket...whether it is Romney, Newt, Santorum...heck I'd vote for Hillary at this point if she were running as the Republican nominee.

The biggest criticism of Ron Paul is his foreign policy, but as many have pointed out, whether you like it or not it's what we're going to end up with since we're broke. Ron Paul has been right about what we've been doing to the economy for 20+ years now and he's the only one who isn't doing Romney-esque pandering to crowds.

One day our kids will be able to read about Ron Paul in history class. While 99% of politicians were driving us off the cliff, there was one man who spoke the truth and was the champion of liberty, but was ignored because he didn't pander.