Friday, October 18, 2013

Tea Party intelligence

So Tea Party member have more scientific knowledge than others.

That's apparently a surprise to the study's conductor.

I’ve got to confess, though, I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension.
But then again, I don’t know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party.  All my impressions come from watching cable tv — & I don’t watch Fox News very often — and reading the “paper” (New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused internet sites like Huffington Post & Politico).  
I’m a little embarrassed, but mainly I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.

All it takes for a Tea Partier to excel over others is to understand the law of gravity, the law of supply and demand, that a 2% increase isn't a "cut" and that you should probably read a bill before you actually pass it.

Pretty hardcore type stuff.


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